Wind waves and elevated water levels together can cause flooding in low-lying coastal areas, where the water level may be a combination of mean sea level, tides and surges generate...
Over the last 30 years, resources have been invested in Bangladesh for building cyclone shelters and setting up national warning systems, linked to regional weather forecasting and...
While the Asian countries have been successful in achieving economic growth and poverty reduction, the region cannot avoid exposure to a variety of disasters. Indeed, Asia, partic...
A new regional initiative has the goal of improving the productivity and profitability of maize in key agro-ecological zones of Southeast Asia through site-specific, integrated nut...
Discusses flood risk in Malaysia, which has increased alarmingly in recent decades largely due to changing physical characteristics of the hydrological system caused by human activ...
Flooding is the most severe hazard in Malaysia, a country experiencing a wet equatorial climate with heavy seasonal monsoon rains. In the past, nature took care of itself as vast e...
Ooi See HaiAzizan Abu SamahSheeba Nettukandy ChenoliKumarenthiran SubramaniamMuhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki
During early boreal winter (northeast) monsoon (November and December), a series of cold air bursts out from intense Siberian highs towards the China coast in response to the devel...
This study investigates the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-related seasonal variations in precipitation extremes based on the observed daily precipitation dataset of 23 meteo...
Fadila Jasmin FakaruddinLim Ze HuiKhairul Najib IbrahimMarcella James J.Mat Kamaruzaman Mat AdamYip Weng SangNursalleh K. ChangDr. Fariza YunusMuhammad Helmi Abdullah
Sumatras are defined as lines of thunderstorms which usually occur between April until November each year. These lines of thunderstorms which are develop at night over Sumatra or S...
Yip Weng SangMat Kamaruzaman Mat AdamFadila Jasmin FakaruddinFatimah Zaharah SalehNursalleh K ChangDr. Fariza YunusMuhammad Helmi Abdullah
The 2015/16 Northeast Monsoon (NEM) was reviewed using JRA-55 reanalysis wind data, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data and Oc...
Mat Kamaruzaman Mat AdamNursalleh K. ChangMaqrun Fazli FahmiFariza YunusMuhammad Helmi Abdullah
The newly upgrade physics of shallow water effect of the internal structure for third generation ocean-wind wave model MRI-III Shallow Water Mode (WS), was implemented to simulate ...