The Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 caused widespread damage to Southern Thailand. The Moklen, an ethnic minority group of Sea Gypsies living in the area, were also affected and provi...
Lack of landslide early warning in a vulnerable area has seriously resulted in poor awareness and preparedness for landslide disasters, and accordingly brings to the increasing num...
Kain, C.Wassmer, P.Goff, J.Chagué-Goff, C.Gomez, C.Hart, D.Zawadzki, A.
In the absence of eyewitness reports or clear sedimentary structures, it can be difficult to interpret tsunami deposits or reconstruct tsunami inundation patterns. The emplacement ...
Landslides are one of the most widespread and commonly occurring natural hazards. In regions of high vulnerability, these complex hazards can cause signi?cant negative social and e...
On 5 May 2014, the largest earthquake in Thailand modern history occurred in Northern Thailand with over a thousand aftershocks. Most of the epicenters are located within the trans...
Philip, A. K.Teh, H. M.Shafiai, S. H.Jaafar, A.Rashidi, A. H. M.
Tsunami run-up wave has been hypothesized as non-Newtonian fluid due to the presence of sediment and debris in its body. This paper asscesses the rheology of run-up wave based on t...
Impoundment of the Song Tranh 2 reservoir in Vietnam was started in late 2010, and earthquakes started occurring in its vicinity soon after that. Frequency of earthquakes increased...
Tangdamrongsub, N.Ditmar, P. G.Steele-Dunne, S. C.Gunter, B. C.Sutanudjaja, E. H.
In this study, satellite observations including gravity (GRACE), terrestrial reflectance (MODIS), and global precipitation (TRMM) data, along with the output from the PCR-GLOBWB hy...
Coastal communities and habitats are always threatened with the continuing rise of sea levels. The consequences of sea level rise worsened by climate change can bring higher and mo...
Given the increased numbers of disasters and humanitarian crises which occur in the face of diminishing global resources, the contemporary disaster management and humanitarian fiel...
Santillan, J. R., Makinano-Santillan, M., & Cutamora, L. C.
LiDAR-derived Digital Terrain and Surface Models (DTM/DSM) and flood simulation models were used to determine exposure and vulnerability of building to various flood hazard scenari...
Wells, J. A.Wilson, K. A.Abram, N. K.Nunn, M.Gaveau, D. L.Runting, R. K.Meijaard, E.
The roles of forest and wetland ecosystems in regulating flooding have drawn increasing attention in the contexts of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. However,...
Dams have been an essential infrastructure in society that contributes to socioeconomic development and prosperity. Topography and geology are the two primary factors in weighing t...