The upper northern part of Thailand is mountainous area which classified as moderate risk by earthquake. This study was focused on the earthquake attenuation model of Abrahamson an...
M.A. AurelioJ.D.B. DianalaK.J.L. TaguibaoL.R. PastorizaK. ReyesR. SarandeA. Lucero Jr
At 03:49 UTC on the 6th of February 2012, Negros Island in the Visayan region of central Philippines was struck by a magnitude Mw 6.7 earthquake causing deaths of over 50 people an...
Hall, S.Pettersson, J.Meservy, W.Harris, R.Agustinawati, D.Olson, J.McFarlane, A.
The south coast of Java has a long history of deadly seismogenic tsunamis. The most recent tsunami events in 1994 and 2006 killed hundreds due to lack of awareness and implementati...
Gomes Miguez, M.Peres Battemarco, B.Martins De Sousa, M.Moura Rezende, O.Pires Veról, A.Gusmaroli, G.
Urban flood modelling has been evolving in recent years, due to computational facilities as well as to the possibility of obtaining detailed terrain data. Flood control techniques ...
Zlotnicki, J.Vargemezis, G.Johnston, M. J. S.Sasai, Y.Reniva, P.Alanis, P.
Taal volcano is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the Philippines. Thirty-three eruptions have occurred through historical time with several exhibiting cataclysmic phases. Mos...
This paper presents GIS time-series land-use analysis of satellite images to quantify the recovery of rice cultivation and aquaculture following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in co...
PADUA, RobertoSieras, Noel G.Libao, Merliza F.Frias, Marlon S.
The usual Poisson process for seismic hazard assessment is utilized as basis for constructing a Laplacian martingale process to respond to objections raised about the use of a Pois...
Natural disasters constitute a persistent threat to economic welfare in many places, particularly in developing countries. Not only can disasters transform living circumstances, bu...
This study identifies stakeholders’ perceptions of ecosystem services (ESS) along the Mekong River in Vietnam. It evaluates trade-offs made between ESS under different Pangasius ...
Xiong, X.B. ShanY. M. ZhouS. J. WeiY. D. LiR. J. WangY. Zheng
Myanmar is drawing rapidly increasing attention from the world for its seismic hazard. The Sagaing Fault (SF), an active right-lateral strike-slip fault passing through Myanmar, ha...
On 24 August 2016 Mw 6.8 earthquake occurred near Chauk, Central Myanmar. This earthquake caused a significant amount of damage over a very large number of historical monuments. Af...
The implementation of early warning systems is in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) 2015–2030. One of the four priorities of the Sendai Framework...