A landslide is one of the most dangerous natural hazards that can cause considerable damage to human life and properties (Yin et al. 2009; Pradhan and Lee 2010; Jebur et al. 2014)....
Koiwa, N.Takahashi, M.Sugisawa, S.Ito, A.Matsumoto, H. A.Tanavud, C.Goto, K.
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami had notable impacts on coastal landforms. Temporal change in topography by coastal erosion and subsequent formation of a new barrier spit on the nears...
Indonesia is amongst the countries with the highest disaster risk globally. This risk is driven by the country’s high exposure to a range of geophysical and hydro-meteorological ...
McCausland, W. A.Gunawan, H.White, R. A.Indrastuti, N.Patria, C.Suparman, Y.Hendrasto, M.
Most volcanoes worldwide are not monitored in real-time; for those that are, patterns of pre-eruptive earthquakes coupled with conceptual models of magma ascent enable short-term f...
To better understand the impact of climate change, we need to uncover how (and to what extent) societies respond and adapt to it. Yet the dynamics resulting from two-way feedbacks ...
One major threat to cities at present is the increased inundation hazards owing to changes in climate and accelerated human activity. Future evolution of urban inundation is still ...
In recent years, we are suffering abnormal weather condition due to climate change around the world. Therefore, countermeasures for flood defense are urgent task. In this research,...
Bui, D. T.Tuan, T. A.Hoang, N. D.Thanh, N. Q.Nguyen, D. B.Pradhan, B.Liem, N. V.
The main objective of this study is to produce a landslide susceptibility map for the Lao Cai area (Vietnam) using a new hybrid intelligent method based on least squares support ve...
Submarine landslides, also known as submarine mass failures (SMFs), are major natural marine disasters that could critically damage coastal facilities such as nuclear power plants ...
Hrin Nei ThiamYin Myo Min HtweTun Lin KyawPa Pa TunZaw MinSu Hninn HtweTin Myo AungKyaw Kyaw LinMyat Min AungJason de CristofaroM. FrankeS. RadmanE. LepitenEmily WolinSusan E. Hough
Myanmar is in a tectonically complex region between the eastern edge of the Himalayan collision zone and the northern end of the Sunda megathrust. Until recently, earthquake monito...
The Philippines being a locus of tropical cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, is a hotbed of disasters. These natural hazards inflict loss of lives and costly d...
The Philippine fault is a major strike-slip fault that traverses the entire Philippine archipelago for more than 1250 km and has generated at least 10 surface rupturing earthquake...
Urban floods from thunderstorms cause severe problems in Metro Manila due to road traffic. Using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)-derived topography, flood simulations and anecd...
The M w 6.0 Mt. Kinabalu earthquake of 2015 was a complete (and deadly) surprise, because it occurred well away from the nearest plate boundary in a region of very low historical s...