Detail Report


Indonesia, Flooding, Landslides, and Strong Winds in Nusa Tenggara Timur (TC Seroja)

Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia
Event Date : Sat, 03 Apr 2021
AHADID : AHA-TC-2021-000337-IDN | GLIDE Number : TC-2021-000033-IDN

Affected Area/s

Alor, Belu, Ende, Flores Timur, Kota Kupang, Kupang, Lembata, Malaka, Ngada, Rote Ndao, Sabu Raijua, Sumba Barat, Sumba Tengah, Sumba Timur, Timor Tengah Selatan, Timor Tengah Utara


TC Cyclone Seroja in Prov. NTT, Prov. NTB
Update: Sunday, April 11, 2021, Pkl. 14.00 WIB

• High intensity rain accompanied by strong winds (Due to Seroja Cyclone) On Saturday, 03
April 2021, Pkl. 08.00 WITA

• Kota Kupang
• Kab. Flores Timur
• Kab. Malaka
• Kab. Lembata
• Kab. Ngada
• Kab. Sumba Tengah
• Kab. Sumba Barat
• Kab. Sumba Timur
• Kab. Rote Ndao
• Kab. Ende
• Kab. Sabu Raijua
• Kab. Alor
• Kab. Kupang
• Kab. Belu
• Kab. Timor Tengah Utara
• Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan
• Kab. Manggarai
• Kab. Manggarai Timur
• Kab. Nageko

Prov. NTT
1. Died: 175 people (MD)
2. Missing: 45 people missing
3. Injuries: 162 people were injured
4. Number of Refugees: ± 16,016 people
5. Affected: ± 67,350 families / 390,334 people affected
6. Affected Houses: 46,788 housing units
-Severe Damage: 3,265 RB housing units
-Moderately damaged: 1,239 houses in the hospital
-Slight Damage: 16,299 RR housing units

Details, as follows:
Prov. NTT
1. Died: 175 people (MD)
2. Missing: 45 people missing
3. Injuries: 162 people were injured
4. Number of Refugees: ± 16,016 people
5. Affected: ± 67,350 families / 390,334 people affected
6. Affected Houses: 46,788 housing units
-Severe Damage: 3,265 RB housing units
-Moderately damaged: 1,239 houses in the hospital
-Slight Damage: 16,299 RR housing units

Prov. NTB
1. Died: 2 people (MD)
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: -
5. Affected: ± 12,110 families / 36,839 people
6. Affected houses: 1,925 housing units
-Heavy Damage: 380 units of RB housing
-Slight Damage: 2,777 housing units RR
-Moderately damaged: 2,176 houses in the hospital

Details, as follows:
Prov. NTT
• Kupang City
1. Died: 6 people (MD)
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: 8 major injuries (LB)
4. Number of Refugees: -
5. Affected: ± 10,121 families / 50,605 people
6. Damaged houses:
-Severe Damage: 71 RB housing units
-Slight Damage: 9,699 RB housing units
-Moderately damaged: 351 houses of RB

• Regency. Kupang
1. Died: 12 people (MD)
2. Missing: 3
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: 1,942 People displaced
5. Affected: -
6. Damaged houses: 6,546 housing units affected
-Heavy Damage: 3,540 RB housing units
-Moderately damaged: 963 units of hospital housing
-Slight Damage: 2,043 RR housing units

• Regency. East Flores
1. Died: 72 MD
2. Missing: 2 people missing
3. Injuries: 73 people were injured
4. Number of Refugees: 1,389 People displaced
5. Affected: 95,626 People affected
6. Damaged houses: 230 housing units affected
-Severe Damage: 82 units of RB housing
-Slight Damage: 34 units of RR houses

• Regency. Malacca
1. Died: 6 people (MD)
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: 214 People displaced at 1 refugee point
5. Affected: 2,000 families affected
6. Damaged houses: 4,382 houses submerged
-Severe Damage: 428 houses of RB
-Slight Damage: 3,848 RR houses

• Regency. Lembata
1. Died: 46 MD
2. Missing: 22 people missing
3. Injuries: 49 people were injured
4. Number of Refugees: 2,345 people were displaced
5. Houses damaged:
-Heavy Damage: 346 units of RB
-Light Damage: 343 RR units
- Medium Damage: -

• Regency. No
1. Died: -
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: 3 people were injured
4. Number of Refugees: -
5. Affected: 214 families / 866 people affected
6. Damaged houses:
-Severe Damage: 68 RB housing units
-Slight Damage: 50 RR housing units
-Moderately damaged: 1 hospital unit

• Regency. West Sumba
1. Died: -
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: 80 people displaced
5. Affected: 67 families / 284 people affected
6. Damaged houses: 54 housing units affected
-Highly damaged
-Light damage

• Regency. East Sumba
1. Died: -
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: 219 people displaced
5. Affected: 15,462 families / 77,310 people affected
6. Damaged houses: 5123 houses affected
-Heavy Damage: 250 units of RB housing
-Light damage

• Regency. Central Sumba
1. Died: -
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: -
5. Affected: ± 21 families / 150 people
6. Damaged houses: 21 housing units affected
-Heavy Damage:
-Light damage

• Regency. Ende
1. Died: 1 MD
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: 11 families / 34 people displaced
5. Affected: 373 families / 1,401 people affected
6. Damaged houses:
-Heavy Damage: 18 RB housing units
-Slight Damage: 56 units of RR housing
-Moderately damaged: 18 units of hospital housing

• Regency. Rote Ndao
1. Died: -
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: 5 LB
4. Number of Refugees: 695 people displaced
5. Houses damaged:
-Heavy Damage: 635 RB housing units
-Moderately damaged: 736 units of hospital housing
-Slight Damage: 1,523 RR housing units

• Regency. Sabu Raijua
1. Died: 3 people (MD)
2. Missing: 5 people Missing
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: 346 People
5. Affected: 3,800 people
6. Damaged houses:
-Highly damaged
-Light damage

• Regency. Alor
1. Died: 28 MD
2. Missing: 13 People missing
3. Injuries: 25 People were injured
4. Number of Refugees: 299 People
5. Affected: 39,980 families / 155,412 people affected
6. Damaged houses: 32,539 housing units affected
-Severe Damage: 669 housing units of RB
-Slight Damage: 856 housing units RR
-Moderately damaged: 438 houses in the hospital

• Regency. Speckle
1. Died: -
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: 49 families / 272 people displaced
5. Affected: 899 families / 2,080 people affected
6. Damaged houses: 196 housing units affected
-Severe Damage: 13 RB housing units
-Moderately damaged: 8 units of hospital housing
-Slight Damage: 2 units of RR housing

• Regency. North Central Timor
1. Died: -
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: 156 People
5. Affected: 1,179 families / 3,489 people affected
6. Damaged houses:
-Heavy Damage: 150 RB housing units
-Mild Damage:

• Regency. South Central Timor
1. Died: -
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: 199 families / 678 people displaced
5. Affected: 1,404 families / 5,198 people affected
6. Damaged houses: 504 houses damaged / affected
-Highly damaged
-Light damage

• Regency. Sikka
1. Died: 1 MD
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: -
4. Number of Refugees: -
5. Affected: -
6. Damaged houses: -
-Heavy Damage: -
-Mild Damage: -

• Regency. Southwest Sumba
1. Died: -
2. Missing: -
3. Injuries: 2 LR
4. Number of Refugees: -
5. Affected: -
6. Damaged houses: -
-Heavy Damage: 68 housing units
-Moderate Damage: 1 housing unit
-Slight Damage: 50 housing units

• Local government, volunteers, TNI and POLRI still help clean houses, roads, public facilities and houses
• Logistic distribution to evacuation points, public kitchens, and affected communities
• The local government is still distributing clean water to residents in need
• Local government, volunteers, TNI, and POLRI assist the repatriation of refugees
• Orari support for radio communication is active as of today using equipment
radio from BPBD Prov. NTT
• Assistance from all parties has been received and distributed to the affected areas
• Team from BPBD Kab. Ende is currently monitoring the evacuation site to ascertain what
the victim is still taking refuge in a relative or neighbor's house

• The BNPB PUSDALOPS Team provides assistance for posko activation and daily reports with PUSDALOPS
NTT Provincial BPBD
• The RR Deputy Team coordinates for the division of the team that will be assigned to the 3 (three) districts
(Lembata, East Flores, Malacca)
• The Deputy Team for Emergency Management moves to the District of Malacca
• BNPB coordinates with SAR Dog to search for missing persons, namely at
Adonara, Alor and Lembata regions
• BNPB deployed 6 helicopters for Emergency Management in NTT
• BNPB will provide temporary shelter funds (huntara), the funds are used to rent
residence or the house of the closest family as temporary housing for the affected residents
disaster in the NTT Province.
• Head of BNPB Doni Monardo and his entourage have visited several affected areas in
NTT province since Monday, April 5, 2021. Attendance at the disaster site was not only seen
the severe impact of the Seroja tropical cyclone but also emergency handling, especially for affected residents
• The BNPB Pusdalops Team provides assistance in:
- Preparation of SKTD;
- making SK Posko;
- Making a situation report (Sitrep) by BPBD Prov. NTT;
- creation of infographics displayed at Posko
- efforts to collect data from the District / City;
- preparation of virtual meetings through the zoom application that takes place at the Posko;
- preparation of Operational Plans (Renops);

Prov. NTT
• Governor of Prov. NTT establishes an Emergency Response Status for 30 days starting the 6th
April to May 5, 2021
• Regent of Kab. East Sumba no. 167 / BPBD / 360/167 / IV / 2021 which stipulates the TD status for handling
Flash Floods, Landslides & Strong Winds in Kab. East Sumba, April 5 - April 30, 2021
• Regent of Kab. South Central Timor number 71 / KEP / HK / 2021 concerning the determination of disaster TD status
Floods, Landslides and Strong Winds in Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan set for 14
tmt April 4 - April 17
• The Regent of Lembata determines the emergency response status for banjir bandang and landslides
and tidal waves, starting April 4 - April 17, 2021 through a Regent Decree
Lembata Number 326, dated April 5, 2021.
• Regent of Kab. Rote Ndao determined the status of emergency response 118 / KEP / HK / 2021 on April 6, 2021
valid from 6 April to 5 May 2021. The validity period is up to 30 days due to Kab. Rote Ndao
following the validity period of a state of disaster emergency determined by the Governor of NTT.
• Decree of the Governor of Prov. East Nusa Tenggara number 118 / KEP / HK / 2021 regarding handling
Tropical Cyclone, Flood, Landslide, High Wave and Abrasion Disasters are determined
for 30 days tmt 06 April - 05 May 2021
• SK Posko has been signed by the Governor of NTT;
• The draft operational plan (renops) has been finalized and is awaiting the signature of the Command Post

• Symbolic Delivery of Rp. 500 million on April 8, 2021 to the Regent of Rote
Ndao was witnessed by the Governor of NTT
• Current distribution of assistance
- 5 Kva Genset (Inti Dwi Jaya / Procurement 2021): 15 Units

- Refugee Tent (2020 Stock): 10 Sets

- Rapidtest Antigen (Synapsa Global / DSP): 50,000 tests

- Cloth masks (Putri Mandiri / DSP): 55,400 pcs

- Cloth masks (Aha Center / CSR): 44,600 pcs

- Blankets (Build Blessings / DSP 2021): 1,000 pcs


4500 pcs @ 150 pcs bnpb dsp mattress about 3300 kg

• BPBD together with a joint team of volunteers and the community work together to clean up the house
and the way
• The communication network is back to normal
• Donations from the community, foundations and NGOs are still ongoing
• The electricity and telephone networks are still not maximal in Kab. No
• The power cuts are carried out in rotation so that they affect the network signal
• Very few internet communication networks can access
• Electricity network in some Kab. East Flores has returned to normal
• Current condition of Kupang city:

- Electricity in some areas is already on
- Cellular telecommunication networks are in existence
improving in some areas

- The fallen tree on the road has been cleared by the local government and assisted by the local community

- The fallen billboard and electricity poles have been cleared at several points

- Almost all gas stations are back in operation
- The queue at the ATM machine is gradually increasing
- People have normal activities

• There are always differences in the data at the Prov. NTT, whether obtained through Kab./Kota, Korem, or
during the virtual zoom evaluation meeting with BNPB.
• The process of collecting data in Posko Prov. NTT is constrained by communication (BPBD contact number
Regency / City difficult to contact).

• Regency. Manggarai and Nagekeo submitted the data but it was not displayed during the meeting
• Regency. East Flores is constrained by access to the islands and the electricity and communication networks
Damage and loss data is not final as of today.

Informed by:
Call Center / Complaint Number: 117 (Toll Free)
Instagram: pusdalops_bnpb
Twitter: @Bnpbpusdalops