Wednesday, January 9, 2019 since 14.00 West Indonesia, there was a medium-intensity heavy rain accompanied by strong winds in the Magelang Regency, causing several trees to fall in 3 Sub-Districts, namely Muntilan, Mungkid, and Borobudur Districts. The impact of the incident resulted in 32 houses being slightly damaged and partially closing road access in several places. Impact: location: Muntilan District - Dangan Hamlet, Congkrang Village - Kepanjen Hamlet, Menayu Village: 1 RR house - Drojogan Hamlet, Adikarto Village: RR housing unit - Japuan Hamlet, Tanjung Village: 1 RR housing unit - Temanem Hamlet, Desa Adikarto: 3 RR housing units Number of affected population: 6 families / 24 people location: Mungkid sub-district - Bojong I hamlet, Mendut village: 1 RR housing unit - Gentan hamlet, Mendut village: 3 RR housing units - Nglaseman hamlet, Ngrajek village: 1 RR home unit - Nariban hamlet, Progowati village: 6 RR units Number of affected population: 11 families / 44 people Location: Borobudur sub-district - Tingal Wetan sub-village, Wanurejo village: 14 housing units RR - Dusun Tingal Kulon, Wanurejo village: 1 house RR Number of affected people: 15 families / 60 people The total number of affected people: 32 families / 128 people
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