Title Description Date
Angin Kencang Melanda Blitar, Sejumlah Pohon Tumbang dan Belasan Rumah Rusak 'Dampak bencana angin kencang kemarin paling parah ada di dua kecamat... 09 Apr 2021
Beberapa lokasi di Tanjung Selor mulai tergenang banjir - ANTARA News Kalimantan Utara Beberapa lokasi di Kota Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, Kalimantan Utara dan... 09 Apr 2021
Masyarakat menanti Presiden Jokowi tinjau lokasi bencana - ANTARA News Masyarakat menanti Presiden Jokowi tinjau lokasi bencana. Sejumlah wa... 09 Apr 2021
4.104 rumah penduduk Malaka rusak akibat bencana banjir - ANTARA News Sebanyak 4.104 rumah penduduk di Kabupaten Malaka, Nusa Tenggara Timu... 09 Apr 2021
No Immigration links to Nicky Gang, says DG | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The Immigration Department has not received any informa... 09 Apr 2021
Mastermind with expensive tastes | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: He has become the infamous Datuk who runs a cartel that... 09 Apr 2021
Being in PKR for 20 years, I believe that's Anwar's voice in audio clip, claims Zuraida | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: One of the two voices in viral audio recording is that ... 09 Apr 2021
Kerumunan Warga Pulau Adonara Menanti Kehadiran Jokowi - Foto Warga di berbagai wilayah Pulau Adonara berkumpul menantikan kehadira... 09 Apr 2021
Penampakan 'Danau Sampah Plastik' di Bolivia - Foto Danau Uru Uru di Bolivia yang mengalami kekeringan besar pada tahun 2... 09 Apr 2021
Fair weather Friday with chances of rain | Inquirer News Fair weather with chances of isolated rain showers due to the northea... 09 Apr 2021
Kota Kupang pascabadai Siklon Tropis Seroja - ANTARA News Kota Kupang pascabadai Siklon Tropis Seroja. Atap SPBU roboh akibat b... 09 Apr 2021
Presiden bertolak ke NTT pastikan penanganan bencana berjalan baik - ANTARA News Presiden Joko Widodo bertolak ke Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) u... 09 Apr 2021
Tinjau NTT, Panglima dan Kapolri fokuskan evakuasi korban dan kirim bantuan - ANTARA News Kalimantan Utara Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto dan Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Lis... 09 Apr 2021
Mastermind with expensive tastes | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: He has become the infamous Datuk who runs a cartel that... 09 Apr 2021
Cops to get over 2,000 bodycams by September | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) is expected to be equi... 09 Apr 2021
Police to probe authenticity of audio clip, says minister | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Police will investigate reports lodged over an alleged ... 09 Apr 2021
Billion-ringgit NIISe to replace archaic Immigration system | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: More than one billion ringgit will be spent to replace ... 09 Apr 2021
Glove makers lift FBM KLCI higher | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Persistent buying support for glove makers helped drive... 09 Apr 2021
Mastermind with expensive tastes | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: He has become the infamous Datuk who runs a cartel that... 09 Apr 2021
Cops: No blank cheque for interstate travel, 'pre-signed' form in viral post a forgery | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Police are investigating a social media post showing a ... 09 Apr 2021