Title Description Date
Gas leaked from abandoned skid tank at KLIA Cargo Terminal, area safe now, say cops | The Star SEPANG: The gas leak reported at Sepang Aircraft Engineering s Southe... 05 Jul 2024
Unduk Ngadau contestants help those affected in Penampang floods | The Star KOTA KINABALU: Hyellene Danius took time off her busy schedule to hel... 05 Jul 2024
AGC yet to decide on Rosmah's bid to quash money laundering charges | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The Attorney General's Chambers is still mulling on thr... 05 Jul 2024
The East Side Gallery ceritakan runtuhnya tembok Berlin - ANTARA News ANTARA - The East Side Gallery menceritakan tentang runtuhnya Tembok ... 04 Jul 2024
PVMBG: Terjadi peningkatan erupsi dan guguran lava di Gunung Semeru - ANTARA News Kepala Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) Hendra ... 04 Jul 2024
Studies on lemon law expected to be completed by September this year, Dewan Rakyat told | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Studies on the proposed lemon law to protect buyers of ... 04 Jul 2024
'Longkang otak' doesn't quite mean 'brain drain', minister tells MP | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: An apparent mistranslation of "brain drain" as "longkan... 04 Jul 2024
Actors Aliff Aziz, Ruhainies claim trial to khalwat charges | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Actors Aliff Aziz and Ruhainies have pleaded not guilty... 04 Jul 2024
24 unauthorised users issued approvals under foreign worker management system, says PAC | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Twenty-four unauthorised users approved applications to... 04 Jul 2024
Foreign worker management system ran for six years without contract, says PAC | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The Foreign Workers Centralised Management System (FWCM... 04 Jul 2024
Tourism Ministry sees potential in reviving cruise tourism in Sandakan, Dewan Rakyat hears | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: There is potential to revive the cruise tourism industr... 04 Jul 2024
Agencies may be merged under 'unique' ombudsman model, Dewan Rakyat told | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Putrajaya is considering a unique model for the propose... 04 Jul 2024
Najib can respond and argue | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here allowed an application by former pr... 04 Jul 2024
MOF approves Budi Individu cash assistance | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The Finance Ministry has approved Budi Individu cash as... 04 Jul 2024
Crackdown may go on longer | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The major crackdown on errant tour bus and van companie... 04 Jul 2024
PM: Domestic investment growing despite lower FDI | The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Despite lower foreign direct investment (FDI) last year... 04 Jul 2024
Gunung Ibu erupsi muntahkan abu setinggi 3.000 meter - ANTARA News Gunung Ibu di Pulau Halmahera, Maluku Utara, erupsi dan memuntahkan a... 04 Jul 2024
Pohon tumbang di Jaksel ada di 10 lokasi - ANTARA News Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kota Administrasi Jakarta ... 04 Jul 2024
Sebanyak enam daerah di Jateng tetapkan siaga darurat kekeringan - ANTARA News ANTARA - Sebanyak enam daerah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah menetapkan stat... 04 Jul 2024
SAR Manado dan Pemprov Sulut tingkatkan kesiapsiagaan bencana - ANTARA News Sulawesi Utara Kantor SAR Manado dan Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) sepa... 04 Jul 2024