Floods: Over 3,600 people in Johor displaced | The Star |
JOHOR BARU: The number of flood victims in Johor has reached 3,612 pe... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Continuous downpour wreaks havoc in Johor | The Star |
JOHOR BARU: Continuous rainfall since Monday has caused floods in thr... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Floods: Over 600 more victims evacuated in Johor, three more relief centres opened | The Star |
JOHOR BARU: The number of flood victims in Johor increased to 1,703 f... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Floods: Johor mobilises its volunteer arm to give aid to victims | The Star |
JOHOR BARU: The Johor state government has mobilised its volunteering... |
25 Jan 2023 |
The ill need second boost | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Although taking the second booster dose of the Covid-19... |
25 Jan 2023 |
More traffic, more crashes as crowds return home | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Traffic on some major highways in the country increased... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Bukit Aman: Two million vehicles expected on NSE after CNY celebrations on Jan 24 | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Heavy traffic is expected on several highways as many r... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Tiga kampung di Kabupaten Sangihe diterjang banjir - ANTARA News |
Hujan dengan intensitas tinggi yang mengguyur Kabupaten Kepulauan San... |
25 Jan 2023 |
BPBD suplai 12 ton air bersih ke wilayah terdampak banjir Aceh Tamiang - ANTARA News |
Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Pr... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Floods: Number of victims in Johor rises to almost 4,000 | The Star |
JOHOR BARU: The number of flood victims in Johor has reached almost 4... |
25 Jan 2023 |
More traffic, more crashes as crowds return home | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Traffic on some major highways in the country increased... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Jokowi Puji Heru Budi Garap Sodetan Ciliwung, PSI DKI: Anies Gak Punya Niat Kuat - Metro Tempo.co |
PSI DKI menilai Heru Budi Hartono memiliki niat kuat mengatasi banjir... |
25 Jan 2023 |
BNI perkirakan perekonomian Indonesia tumbuh 5 persen pada 2023 - ANTARA News |
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BNI memperkirakan perekon... |
25 Jan 2023 |
DPRD sebut proyek sudetan hasil penganggaran kepemimpinan Anies - ANTARA News |
Anggota Komisi B DPRD DKI Jakarta Hasan Basri Umar menyebut bahwa pro... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Pemkab Aceh Utara data kerusakan akibat banjir - ANTARA News |
ANTARA - Pemerintah Aceh Utara meninjau lokasi pengungsian terdampak ... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Banjir dan longsor di Padang Pariaman - ANTARA News |
Banjir dan longsor di Padang Pariaman. Foto udara banjir merendam sur... |
25 Jan 2023 |
PVMBG rekam lava setinggi 350 meter di Gunung Anak Krakatau - ANTARA News |
Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) merekam aktivi... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Those opting for Covid-19 second booster shot encourage others to follow suit | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Although taking the second booster dose of the Covid-19... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Floods: 1,093 victims in Johor evacuated as of 4pm | The Star |
JOHOR BARU: The number of flood victims in Johor has increased to 1,0... |
25 Jan 2023 |
Bukit Aman: Two million vehicles expected on NSE after CNY celebrations on Jan 24 | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Heavy traffic is expected on several highways as many r... |
25 Jan 2023 |