Sungai Meluap Setelah Hujan Deras, 2 Kecamatan di Way Kanan Lampung Terendam Banjir |
Meluapnya air sungai setelah hujan deras membuat dua kecamatan di Kab... |
20 Feb 2023 |
New Zealand police reach more people previously not contactable after Cyclone Gabrielle | Inquirer News |
As New Zealand starts its long road to recovery following the devasta... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Magnitude 4.8 earthquake hits waters off Quezon province | Inquirer News |
A magnitude 4.8 tectonic earthquake jolted Quezon province on Monday,... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Peringatan Dini BMKG, Wali Kota Makassar Imbau Masyarakat Pesisir Waspada Banjir Rob 20 hingga 23 Februari 2023 |
Diperkirakan curah hujan lebat dan pasang maksimum berpotensi menimbu... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Defence Ministry implementing PAC recommendations following LCS scandal, says Tok Mat | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Recommendations proposed by the Public Accounts Committ... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Recognising UEC not a priority, says Education Minister | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Recognition of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC... |
20 Feb 2023 |
MCMC to meet TV channel after fake news report on reduction of civil service, says Fahmi | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission ... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Budget 2023 likely to maintain proposed tax cut for M40, tax rise for T20 - CTIM | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: The Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (CTIM) does not... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Malaysia's export value expands to RM112.84bil in January | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia recorded a 1.9% trade expansion over the year ... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Govt looking at ride-sharing proposal to improve last-mile connectivity, says Loke | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Ehailing companies have suggested ride-sharing or carpo... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Recognising UEC not a priority, says Education Minister | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Recognition of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Keluhan Warga Aren Jaya yang Rumahnya Kebanjiran 12 Jam: Sofa Terendam hingga Terlambat Kerja karena Bersihkan Lumpur |
Warga Aren Jaya, Bekasi, mengaku sulit tidur hingga tak bisa berangka... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Rupiah menguat ditopang ekspektasi neraca pembayaran akan surplus - ANTARA News |
Nilai tukar rupiah yang ditransaksikan antarbank di Jakarta pada awal... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Gempa M5,2 guncang Sinabang - ANTARA News |
Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) menyatakan gempa ... |
20 Feb 2023 |
RM1.6mil spent on maintenance of ministers official cars between 2020 and 2022, says Anwar | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of RM1.601mil was spent on repairs and maintena... |
20 Feb 2023 |
PM to use existing vehicle at office, turns down new luxury car | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has decided to ... |
20 Feb 2023 |
PCO tags memo on gov't salary deduction for Turkey-Syria relief funds as 'fake' | Inquirer News |
The circulating memorandum pertaining to a two-day government salary ... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Magnitude 4.9 earthquake hits Surigao del Sur | Inquirer News |
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake struck the province of Surigao Del Sur on ... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Basarnas Jambi Terjunkan Personel Lewat Darat dan Udara Evakuasi Rombongan Kapolda |
Tim darat saat ini masih dalam perjalanan menuju lokasi kejadian kare... |
20 Feb 2023 |
Jenazah Christian Atsu diterbangkan pulang ke Ghana - ANTARA News |
Jenazah pesepak bola Ghana Christian Atsu yang meninggal akibat gempa... |
20 Feb 2023 |