Heavy rainfall topples trees, triggers floods in Olongapo | Inquirer News |
Incessant rains on Thursday evening toppled trees and caused floods i... |
20 May 2022 |
Selesai Tahun 2023, Begini Progres Pembangunan 7.682 Unit Huntap di Sulteng |
Kementerian PUPR telah menyelesaikan sebanyak 3.463 unit hunian tetap... |
20 May 2022 |
BPBD: Ratusan kepala keluarga terdampak banjir Parigi butuh logistik - ANTARA News Palu, Sulawesi Tengah - ANTARA News Palu, Sulawesi Tengah - Berita Terkini Sulawesi Tengah |
Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, ... |
20 May 2022 |
BPBD: Ratusan kepala keluarga terdampak banjir Parigi butuh logistik - ANTARA News |
Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, ... |
20 May 2022 |
Prosecution seeks to get Arul Kanda to testify against Najib in 1MDB audit tampering trial | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: The prosecution in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)... |
20 May 2022 |
There were never two versions of 1MDB report, defence argues | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: There were never two versions of the 1Malaysia Developm... |
20 May 2022 |
1MDB audit tampering trial: Ambrin should've decided what information to be included, excluded in report, says witness | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here was told on Wednesday (April 13) th... |
20 May 2022 |
1MDB audit trial: I resigned because I suspected Najib was involved, says ex-chairman | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Mohd Bakke Salleh suspected Datuk Seri Najib Ra... |
20 May 2022 |
First person charged under Whistleblower Protection Act acquitted | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: A former Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) depu... |
20 May 2022 |
Hisham: Data leak won't affect national security | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: The Defence Ministry has systems in place to prevent an... |
20 May 2022 |
Vehicles to be towed away in June | The Star |
TOWING operations to address the problem of vehicles parked illegally... |
20 May 2022 |
Vehicles to be towed away in June | The Star |
TOWING operations to address the problem of vehicles parked illegally... |
20 May 2022 |
Tentara Indonesia Ikut Latihan Militer dengan Australia dan Marinir AS Pertama Kalinya di Northern Territory - ABC Tempo.co |
Di sebuah pulau tidak bernama yang dilanda badai topan tropis,prajuri... |
20 May 2022 |
GPDRR 2022: Teknologi mitigasi bencana karya anak negeri - Infografik ANTARA News |
GPDRR 2022: Teknologi mitigasi bencana karya anak negeri. Para peneli... |
20 May 2022 |
I did not complain as it would be like suspecting Najib | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Former 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) chairman Tan Sr... |
20 May 2022 |
KJ: We re looking into tobacco product display ban | The Star |
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is studying the viability of imposing a tobacc... |
20 May 2022 |
Gempa Magnitudo 5,5 Guncang Halmahera Tengah Malam - Tekno Tempo.co |
Gempa bumi yang terjadi merupakan jenis gempa bumi dangkal akibat ada... |
20 May 2022 |
Syair Linon dan Smong dari Simeulue, Pesan Mitigasi Bencana Lewat Cerita Lokal - Travel Tempo.co |
Meski gempa dan tsunami pada 2004 meluluhlantakkan bangunan, tapi jum... |
20 May 2022 |
Tahun 2021, Hampir 60 Juta Orang Mengungsi akibat Konflik dan Bencana Alam - DW Tempo.co |
Konflik dan bencana alam memaksa puluhan juta orang di berbagai negar... |
20 May 2022 |
Muncul Semburan Lumpur Campur Gas Setinggi 6 Meter di Seram Timur, Warga Diimbau Tak Mendekat |
Semburan lumpur campur gas berasal dari bekas sumur bor yang digali u... |
20 May 2022 |