The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was one of the most devastating tsunamis in world history. The tsunami caused damage to most of the Asian and other countries bordering the Indian Oce...
Ten years after the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004, the Aceh Province in Indonesia has made progress toward becoming a more tsunami resilient area. The government of Indonesia has un...
Years after the tragedy of the tsunami in Banda Aceh researchers are still saddled with the problem of water permeability, slope and geology suitability for settlements. Social and...
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was one of the most devastating tsunamis in world history. The tsunami caused damage to most of the Asian and other countries bordering the Indian Oce...
In this research on disaster warning systems, the Philippines was selected to be a case study. The Philippines was hit by a particularly bad storm in 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan. Her...
The Philippines is recognized as one of the most natural hazard prone country in the world. The December 4, 2012 Super Typhoon Bopha(referred is the Philippines as Typhoon Pablo) a...
Fields of dislodged boulders and blocks record catastrophic coastal ?ooding during strong storms or tsunamis and play a pivotal role in coastal hazard assessment. Along the rocky c...
This paper investigates the impact of floods on the global economy through supply chains, and proposes measures for the related supply chain risk. We examine Thailand’s 2011 floo...
Driven by an increase in extreme weather events in a warming world, flooding appears to be increasing in many regions. Since 2012, we have been using the twice-daily near-global ob...
During rapid rise flood events, crevasse-splay complexes are a key conduit through which sediment and water are passed from the main channel onto the floodplain, particularly for l...
Northern Vietnam is a region prone to heavy flash flooding events. These often have devastating effects on the environment, cause economic damage and, in the worst case scenario, c...
From killer storms to their implications for the insurance premiums of U.S. residents, this much-awaited update explores the ecological, social, and economic consequences of hurric...
At the head of the Gulf of Thailand, the subsiding Chao Phraya delta and adjacent low-lying coastlines surrounding the Bay of Bangkok are at risk of coastal flooding. Although a si...
Ground deformation in volcanic regions can be a precursor to resumption of activity. Volcanic eruptions are typically brief periods of activity punctuating very long inter-eruptive...