
Field level damage of deepwater rice by the 2011 Southeast Asian Flood in a flood plain of Tonle Sap Lake, Northwest Cambodia

Publication Date : 2015-10-01
Author : Kamoshita, A.Ouk, M.
Countries : Cambodia
Disaster Management Theme :
Disaster Type : Flood
Document Type : Research Paper
Languange : en
Link :

Abstact :

The 2011 ?ood damaged about 11 % of planting area in Cambodia, but the damaged proportion reached 30 % in Sangke district, Battambang province, located in the ?ood plains of Tonle Sap Lake. The aim of this study was to characterize completely damaged deepwater rice production due to the ?ood along the transect from the town-side shallower ?elds to the lake-side deeper ?elds. The ?ooding water from Tonle Sap Lake rose with 7 cm/day in September and October in the deeper ?elds where ?oating rice was grown and 8–10 cm/day in October in the shallower ?elds where lowland rice was grown. The maximum water was recorded on 16 October with 3.2 and 2.0 m at the deepest and shallowest edge ?elds. The area was characterized as ?atness with only 1.2 m elevation differences in 4.3 km distance along the transect. The ?ooding water took 13.7 h for approaching 100 m distance. Complete recession of ?ood water was end of November at the shallow edge and at late December in the deep edge in 2011. The ?ooding duration deeper than 50 cm was 2.5 month and nearly 3 months in the middle zone and deeper ?oating rice area, respectively. The complete submergence started ?rst in some ?elds in the middle zone on 12 September, followed by the shallower lowland rice area, and ?nally in the deep ?oating rice area by 1 October. Countermeasures to improve rice production in deepwater rice area in the ?oodplain of Tonle Sap Lake were proposed.